Covid-19 - Update

During this difficult period Permits2work is still open for business to help you with your Immigration needs. Our caseworkers are working from home, fully supported by our legal clerks who are still in the office.

Please call us for any assistance and please stay safe.

Tier 2 visaTier 2 Visa review:

The UK authorities have proclaimed a clampdown on fake Tier 2 visa sponsorship’s, which may result in up to 2,500 migrants forced to leave the country.

A recent investigation showed that in some occasions migrants have been issued with Tier 2 visas for jobs that don’t exist, or are entirely different from those advertised. The main issue was that a number of roles, which do not meet the criteria for Tier 2 visa such as petrol station workers, waitresses etc have been advertised as highly-skilled positions. The Home Office approved these applications without conducting relevant checks, but after the investigation was completed, many of these visas holders may need to leave the country.

If you need any help with your Tier 2 visa application or any other immigration matter, please do not hesitate to contact us on 01793836010 or [email protected]