Covid-19 - Update

During this difficult period Permits2work is still open for business to help you with your Immigration needs. Our caseworkers are working from home, fully supported by our legal clerks who are still in the office.

Please call us for any assistance and please stay safe.

The anticipated Immigration Skills Charge is expected to come into force 6th April 2017.

Immigration Skills ChargeFrom this date, employers who are sponsoring workers from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) will be required to pay the charge which is £1000 per year, or £364 per year for small and charitable businesses. Employers are not required to pay for workers’ family members (dependants).

The Home Office have confirmed that the skills charge will apply to Tier 2 workers applying via the ‘General’ and ‘Intra-company Transfer’ route from inside and outside of the UK.

The Immigration Skills Charge does not apply for employers sponsoring:

  • Non-EEA nationals who have applied before 6th April 2017 and are applying from within the UK to extend their Tier 2 visa.
  • Tier 2 ICT graduate trainees
  • Workers in a specific PHD level occupation
  • Tier 4 students switching to Tier 2 General.

Permits2Work can assist with Tier 2 applications. Contact our offices on 01793 836010 or email us at [email protected] for an assessment of your situation.